SAMOSAFER builds on the results of the SAMOFAR project
Bringing nuclear safety to the next level
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The reference MSFR (Molten Salt Fast Reactor) is a 3000 MWth molten salt reactor. In most molten salt reactors, such as the MSFR, the fissile and fertile materials are dissolved in a circulating salt that acts ...
Dataset associated to the NURETH-19 conference paper "Modelling and Simulation of the Gaseous Fission Product Removal in the Molten Salt Fast Reactor".
Dataset associated to the NURETH-19 conference paper "Modelling and Simulation of the Gaseous Fission Product Removal in the Molten Salt Fast Reactor".
Dataset associated to the journal paper "1D modelling and preliminary analysis of the coupled DYNASTY-eDYNASTY natural circulation loop"
Dataset associated to the conference paper "A New Reactivity Control Approach for Circulating Fuel Reactors", Proceedings of the International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe (NENE2021), Bled, Sloveni...
A selected composition of the initial fuel of the Molten Salt Fast Reactor (MSFR) is assessed by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) for melting point determination and by Knudsen effusion mass spectromet...
Compressible fluid dynamics is of great practical interest in many industrial applications, ranging from chemistry to aeronautical industry, and to nuclear field as well. At the same time, modelling and simul...
Within the H2020-Euratom project SAMOSAFER, research is currently ongoing into the Molten Salt Fast Reactor (MSFR) concept in which nuclear fuel is dissolved in a liquid salt. A major challenge in the MSFR is t...
Dataset associated to the Nuclear Engineering and Design paper "Multiphysics Modelling of Gaseous Fission Products in the Molten Salt Fast Reactor".
This repository features a fortran program (Stevan_DG.f90) for solving the 1D Stefan problem with the linearised enthalpy approach and a discontinuous Galerkin framework, published under the GNU general public ...
Phase equilibria in the system ThF4-PuF3 were measured by DSC. Samples were encapsulated to prevent leak during the measurements and to protect the internal parts of the device from the corrosive fluoride vapou...
Contains data plotted in the figures of the manuscript with the same title (submitted, 2021).
This research was undertaken, in part, thanks to funding from the Canada Research Chairs program and the Discovery Grant Program of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. This study is...
Presentation in Cooperative Severe Accident Research Program (CSARP) video meeting. 7-11 June, 2021.
In the Molten Salt Fast Reactor (MSFR), fuel is dissolved in a liquid salt, causing the formation and decay of fission products, such as noble metals, inside the salt. Noble metals have very low solubility and ...
Dataset associated to the conference paper "Multiphysics analysis of an in-core fission product removal system for the Molten Salt Fast Reactor", Proceedings of the International Conference Nuclear Energy for ...
The present study describes the thermodynamic assessment of three pseudo-binary systems relevant to CsI solubility in molten iodide salts: KI-CsI, NaI-CsI, and NaF- CsI. The motivation for this study was to cor...
The release of fission products and fuel materials from a molten salt fast reactor fuel in hypothetical accident conditions was investigated. The molten salt fast reactor in this investigation features a fast n...
The Molten Salt Fast Reactor (MSFR) is a nuclear reactor concept under development in the framework of the H2020-Euratom project SAMOSAFER. Given its peculiar characteristics as a circulating-fuel reactor, new...
Dataset associated to the 2022 ANS Annual meeting conference paper "Numerical methodology for design and evaluation of natural circulation systems for MSR applications".
Conference proceedings: 10th Europen Review Meeting on Severe Accident Research, ERMSAR 2022
Nukleonika, Vol 60 (4) 907-914
Molten Salt Reactors (MSRs) are nuclear power systems conceived to be working with a circulating salt-mixture, acting simultaneously as fuel and as coolant, providing safety and sustainability enhancements, ot...
The release of fission product and salt compounds from a molten salt reactor fuel under accident conditions was investigated with coupled computer simulations. The thermodynamic modeling of the salt and fission...
Find the github code here: Find the paper article here:
In order to be able to have a solid understanding of the species, phases and chemical interactions present in the materials of a molten salt reactor, the gap between the neutronic, isotope-based fuel evolution ...
Dataset associated with the PHYSOR 2022 conference paper "Development of an OpenFOAM Multiphysics Solver for Solid Fission Products Transport in the Molten Salt Fast Reactor"
Depuis le début des années 2000 et suite à la loi Bataille en France, l’équipe MSFR du LPSC de Grenoble a repris le concept des réacteurs à sels fondus, donnant progressivement forme au Molten Salt Fast...
Basic thermodynamic and electrochemical data of pure actinide fluorides and their mixtures are required for the design and safety assessment of any presently studied molten salt reactor concept based on molte...
This is the numerical data-set belonging to 'Transient Freezing of Water in a Square duct'. The simulation outputs can be opened using the opensource application GMSH.
Dataset associated to the journal paper "Numerical Modelling and Simulation of Melting Phenomena for Freeze Valve Analysis in Molten Salt Reactors"
This data set corresponds to the paper 'Non-intrusive temperature measurements for transient freezing in laminar internal flow using laser induced fluorescence. Please cite this paper when using this data. Th...
Presentation, done during the FISA 2022 / EUREDWASTE 22 conference in the embedded SNETP forum meeting, related to the selected waste issues of Molten Salt Reactors mainly from neutronics perspective.
Dataset used for the results presented in the CFD4NRS-9 conference paper "Simulation of noble metal particle growth and removal in the molten salt fast reactor". Also the code used to generate results is includ...
Solid-liquid phase change solvers with adaptive mesh refinement and dynamic load balancing (following Rettenmaier et al [1]). These solvers were developed as part of the journal paper: A Finite Volume Parallel ...
PuF3 was synthetized by hydro-fluorination of PuO2 and subsequent reduction of the product by hydrogenation. The obtained PuF3 was analysed by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and found phase-pure. High purity was a...
The aim of this paper is the extension of a multiphysics OpenFOAM solver for the analysis of the Molten Salt Fast Reactor (MSFR), developed in previous works (Cervi et al., 2017, 2018). In particular, the neu...
Nuclear reactor modeling has been shifting, over the last decades, towards full-core multiphysics analysis due to the ever-increasing safety requirements and complexity of the designs of innovative systems. Thi...
An overview of the ongoing efforts in the area of the thermal hydraulics modeling of a Molten Salt Fast Reactor (MSFR) is presented. The MSFR employs a owing liquid fuel based on a high temperature lithium ...
Conference proceedings presented at the PHYSOR 2024 International Conference (San Francisco, CA, U.S.A.)
In recent years, molten salt reactors (MSRs) have gained new momentum thanks to their potential for innovation in the nuclear industry, and several studies on their compliance with all the expected safety featu...
Dataset used for the figures presented in the paper "Design and optimization of a Chloride Molten Salt Fast Reactor" for the ICAPP2023 conference
Dataset associated to the journal paper "An Eulerian Single-Phase Transport Model for Solid Fission Products in the Molten Salt Fast Reactor: Development of an Analytical Solution for Verification Purposes".
The analysis of innovative reactor concepts such as the Molten Salt Fast Reactor (MSFR) requires the development of new modeling and simulation tools. In the case of the MSFR, the strong intrinsic coupling betw...
This is the numerical data set belonging to the journal paper entitled: 'An energy-conservative DG-FEM approach for solid-liquid phase change', published in Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals (h...
Results obtained by the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) using its APOLLO3®-TRUST/TrioCFD code-coupling while calculating the benchmark for fast-spectrum molten salt reactors of t...
This data set corresponds to the paper 'A Finite Volume Parallel Adaptive Mesh Refinement Method for Solid-Liquid Phase Change', submitted to Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications. The numerical data is...
This data set corresponds to the paper This data set corresponds to the paper Transient Freezing of Water in a Square Duct: An Experimental Benchmark. Please cite this paper when using this data (for instance f...
Data set and results associated with the ICAPP 2023 conference paper "Thermal Study of the Emergency Draining Tank of Molten Salt Reactor".
Thermophysical properties data collection of the molten fuel salt candidate NaF-KF-UF4 for advanced reactor development. A dedicated paper will be published shortly.
Dataset for SAMOSAFER Task 5.1 - Extension and validation of the SIMMER multiphase fluid‐dynamics model for safety studies The dataset contains files for validation of SIMMER code on the Castillejos experime...
This work deals with the in-core helium injection system proposed for the Molten Salt Fast Reactor (MSFR), whose stated purpose is the online removal of both gaseous and metallic fission products. In order to p...
Due to its innovative design and the strong coupling among thermal hydraulics, neutronics and fuel chemistry, the multiphysics approach has become a standard tool to address the design and analysis of the Molte...
A foreseen feature of the Molten Salt Fast Reactor is the adoption of a bubbling system for the removal of gaseous and metallic fission products (FPs). This mechanism injects helium bubbles into the core to rem...
Solid-liquid phase-change phenomena play a key role in the thermal hydraulics of Molten Salt Reactors (MSR’s). Amongst key areas of interest are the design of the freeze plug and the analysis of accident scen...
The Molten Salt Fast Reactor is a fast-spectrum molten salt reactor under development in the framework of the European H2020 SAMOFAR Project ( Among the design peculiarities, this circulat...
In the continuous strive to improve the safety of current-generation and next-generation nuclear power plants, natural circulation can be used to design passive safety systems to remove the decay heat during th...
The Molten Salt Fast Reactor (MSFR) with its liquid circulating fuel and its fast neutron spectrum calls for a new safety approach including technological neutral methodologies and analysis tools adapted to e...
This work focuses on the development of a comprehensive numerical methodology for the study of natural circulation systems using molten salts as working fluid, in particular for its application in the design of...
This paper proposes a concept of molten salt fast reactor (MSFR) using chloride salts and U/Pu cycle as solution to close the fuel cycle. It is making use of the available materials currently unused or even con...
Dataset associated to the journal paper "Analysis of the Operational and Safety Features of the In-core Bubbling System of the Molten Salt Fast Reactor"
Molten salt reactors are being explored as an option for the future of nuclear energy and were selected as one of the advanced designs by the Generation IV International Forum. While research is being done in t...
This folder contains the numerical data belonging to the paper 'A numerical benchmark for modelling phase change in molten salt reactors' (Mateusz Pater, Bouke Kaaks, Bent Lauritzen, Danny Lathouwers), publishe...
The release of fission product and salt compounds from a molten salt reactor fuel under accident conditions was investigated with coupled computer simulations. The thermodynamic modeling of the salt and fission...
This paper presents several studies for the design and optimization of a 3GWth breeder Molten Salt Fast Reactor using chloride salts and the uranium cycle (Cl-MSFR). Results lead to a configuration of 45m3 of N...
This repository features a fortran program (Stevan_fvm.f90) solving the 1D Stefan problem with the linearised enthalpy approach and a finite volume framework, published under the GNU general public license. Th...
The Molten Salt Fast Reactor, currently under development in the framework of the SAMOSAFER H2020-Euratom project, foresees an in-core helium bubbling system for the removal of gaseous and metallic fission prod...